Monday, July 28, 2014

Life, lately.

Hey all!

It's been one whole year since my last post. I'm not even sure what brought me back here or made me think of blogging at 8am on a Monday (maybe because I've been up since 5am watching YouTube videos in my bed? Go away, rain and the lack of motivation that you inspire).

I thought I should do an update because my life has changed pretty significantly in the past year. First things first, I got engaged! Dillon asked me to marry him last year on September 13th and we are getting married this year on September 13th and I couldn't be more excited! He's the best guy a girl could ask for.

Other things that have happened in the past year include: we moved back to my hometown and into a HOUSE next door to my parents (ala everybody loves raymond), we got a new puppy (!!!) named Cooper (this one is very recent- he's still only 4 months old and super tiny! We are so in love and Jeter loves his new little brother! He's a boston terrier too and can I just tell you how cute it is when you see 2 boston terriers running around playing together, especially when one of them is a puppy??

That's pretty much all the major news, but basically I'm pretty stoked on life right now. I couldn't be happier. Well, okay, I mean I wouldn't be opposed to having a pool and a hot tub and a billion dollars, but what are ya gonna do.

So I think in my endless spare time when I'm not taking care of the dogs, working, sleeping, wedding planning/craft doing, and taking pictures of food on my iPhone (read: I have little to no spare time), I'm going to start doing random posts about random things. And I don't care who reads them or if nobody does, I just like writing and this is America, so #idowhatiwant. Yeah, I hashtag in speech and say "That's what she said" way too much. #sorrynotsorry

Okay well I have 3 (yes THREE) wedding-related meetings today including an engagement photoshoot (and it's fucking RAINING CATS AND DOGS), so maybe I should at least start pretending to be productive. Or at least shower.

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